Greener Raw Materials
This commitment is reflected in responsible product design and manufacturing and throughout the development process. We are continually making strides to design products using greener raw materials that can be primarily recycled at the end of their lifecycles while ensuring that waste is reduced in the factory as well.
Greener Packaging
But it's not just about the products. We also incorporate GreeNology into our packaging in observation of European standards like Der Grune Punkt. Packaging is the first thing discarded once a product is purchased and as a result amounts to a large quantity of waste. Packaging compliance has a more immediate impact on the environment than other parts of the production process.
Energy Saving
Not only will the manufacture and packaging of our quality products be increasingly Earth-friendly, but the products themselves will also be energy-efficient and made of environmentally responsible materials as we aspire to meet the environmental standards of programs like Energy Star, RoHS, and WEEE.
Recycle your e-waste
We encourage all of our customers to recycle our electronics. All waste computer monitors, portable computers, digital picture frames, televisions, protable DVD players, desktop printers, and video games generated by households in Maine must be recycled. Please contact municipality for information about how and where to recyle your e-waste in your area. For more information about Maine's electronic waste law, please visti the Maine Department of Environmental Protection website at